Posts Tagged ‘career


Are You Ready to Succeed? Unconventional Strategies to Achieving Personal Mastery in Business and Life

Are You Ready to Succeed? Unconventional Strategies to Achieving Personal Mastery in Business and LifeAre You Ready to Succeed? Unconventional Strategies to Achieving Personal Mastery in Business and Life
By Srikumar S. Rao

The premise is simple: A persons ideal life, especially their career, can be carefully conceived and crafted. Based on Dr. Raos popular course Creativity and Personal Mastery at Columbia Universitys Graduate School of Business, this book offers a series of readings, exercises, and lessons drawn from both spiritual and commercial situations that enable you to reconstruct and improve your professional world. This transformation will turn your life around and help you become exponentially more effective in your chosen career and thereby flourish in all aspects of your life. Whether you are questioning the value of money or the core values of your life, this book is a powerful tool that will help you to discover the purpose that can suffuse your life and bring stars to your eyes.

Customer Reviews

Practical, Effective, Transformative5
Excellent exercises to re-think one’s current life and work situation. Carried through, these lessons can have a profound impact on those struggling with serenity and purpose.

Practical mental exercises to improve your attitude and make you happier5
Before enlightenment, chop wood carry water.
After enlightenment, chop wood carry water.*

I read the book’s title as meaning “You’re successful, are you ready for that?” rather than “Do you want to succeed?” emphasizing the word “ready”. And just as reaching enlightenment does not obviate the need to perform the more mundane chores of life, being ready to succeed does not obviate earning a living or making friends. You can do both but if you’re not ready to see your success, you won’t realize that you are successful and you won’t be as happy as you could be.

Rao only indirectly writes about increasing the material and social markers of success, i.e. how wealthy you are or how many friends you have. He stresses that we need to give less importance to these markers and to appreciate what we already have. (And when adversity strikes, we should appreciate that it wasn’t worse.) Success breeds success but only if you nurture it properly and that’s what he writes about.

Rao’s techniques are simple and effective. He first gives examples of what he calls mental models, or predetermined thinking patterns. For example when you are preparing for meetings you always assume that people will argue with you, this predetermined pattern in which you think is a negative mental model. Rao wants us to become conscious of our mental models, especially the negative ones. Next he wants us to detach ourselves from them. He has us create an imaginary friend, who’s actually not a friend but an unbiased observer. We’re to imagine this friend to describe what we’re saying or thinking.

Rao offers many more exercises, with the later exercises building on the earlier ones. The best thing about “Are you Ready to Succeed?” is that the exercises are practical and not too New Age-ish.

Vincent Poirier, Dublin
*Thanks to Eric for the “Buddhist saying”. VP

Get on the Bandwagon!5
For all of those people who bought Eat Pray and Love with the notion that it would change their lives, buy this book! Srikumar Rao’s gentle introductions and guided exercises allow you to contemplate what you want to change in your life and actually work at doing it. I was amazed at the changes I noticed in my thinking and my life in the space of a few months. Do not rush through this book. Let it guide you to finding the real you.


May 2024

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